Section for Week 3, Tuesday, 1/26/99 REVIEW FOR QUIZ (1-3) --------------------- 1. UNIX vs. Perl vs. HTML UNIX commands we've seen: wc, sort, grep, more, perl5, etc. Perl commands we've seen: print, if/then/else, while, for, foreach, etc. HTML commands:

, , , etc. Make sure you know what items fall into which categories and what everything is used for. Most of the UNIX commands you've seen are in the warmup handout, so review it if you need to. 2. Command-line arguments: any arguments you give your script will be placed in @ARGV. The command "scriptname file1 file2 file3" will result in @ARGV = ("file1", "file2", "file3") (so first argument is in $ARGV[0]). The command name is stored in $0, in case you need it. 3. Input/Output for filter use: grep, sort are examples. In Perl, mostly use <> for this sort of program: if @ARGV is non-empty, <> will read from each file named on the command line in turn. If @ARGV is empty, read input from stdin. If you want to, you can set @ARGV *within* your script to force reading out of specific files using the <> operator. OTHER TOPICS ------------ 4. "Here" documents: If you want a string that spans multiple lines and is complicated, you might not want to string together quoted lines (esp. if the string contains all manner of quotes inside it). Use a "here" document: print << "EOF"; Content-type: text/html alpha game

The alpha game

EOF Vital that the last line have no other characters (here documents are terminated by the *LINE*, not just the EOF string. Could use any other string as well... 5. Remember there's a midterm friday of fourth week (in MS5200).