Section for Week 3, Thursday, 1/28/99 1. QUIZ 2. Go over answers to quiz. 3. Lab Assignment #3.1: a) if (-e $filename) {...} will test whether a file by that name exists. b) To open a specific file, use "open FILENAME" where $FILENAME has the file name, including an access indicator (> on beginning, > or >> on end, or | on end or beginning). c) To output to specific file, use: "print FILENAME 'blahblahblah'" d) Numeric file permissions (modes): r=4, w=2, x=1, added together to indicate complicated perms (so 6=RW), given in a triple to indicate the User, Group, and World permissions, respectively. e) To change modes, use "chmod(0700, $FILENAME)" -- returns the # of files for which mode was changed. Leading zero indicates an octal number. f) Ignore the comment on making CGI scripts exec for world. 4. For #3.2 -- Moved to 990202.txt!!!