Section for Week 10, Tuesday, 3/16/99 Note: Seventh HW solutions are posted. Eighth will be posted when the HW becomes past-due. Thursday's section will be a review for the final. Be there or be square. 1. NUMBERS Diffie-Hellman key exchange: Pick p (~1024 bits), g

902378210 CHEN, KENNETH YU PECO-INT to: 902378210:CHEN, KENNETH Simplest way to not have to deal with newlines: slurp in the whole file as one string. To do this we undefine the input record seperator. By default the input record seperator is a newline which is why when we usually do $data=<> we get one line into $data. However, doing: undef $/; $data=<>; Will have the effect of taking the whole input as one long string (containing newlines etc.) and putting it in $data. What then? Need to get rid of the newlines and spacing from indentation, so we do: $data =~ s/\s+/ /g; What does this do? What does the 'g' do? Lengthy explanation of using while(/<...>.*?<...>/g) {} construct (specifically, the use of the 'g' modifier). Once you think you have both parts done, try piping the output of one into the other: 8.1a h/rosterx |8.1b should generate the rosterx file back at you. 3. The password Suite "create an empty user_data file" -- you can do this either by typing "pico user_data" and then using ctrl-O (to write out the file, without typing anything in) or else do: "cat /dev/null > user_data" The file locking outlined in the assignment is a bit messy (and makes possible a race condition). Instead, use &lock before the first file access and &unlock after the last file access.